Inyo County, 2009
Inyo County, 2009 Study title: “Final Report: Natural Livestock Feasibility Study” Author: Jeff Schahczenski Date of study: February 2009 Group behind study: National Center
Inyo County, 2009 Study title: “Final Report: Natural Livestock Feasibility Study” Author: Jeff Schahczenski Date of study: February 2009 Group behind study: National Center
Profiles in Small-Scale Processing: Blue Ridge Meats Date: May 28, 2015 Duration: one hour Overview: What makes a small-scale processing plant successful? We get asked
click here to download the worksheet (Excel file) This worksheet was developed by Matt LeRoux of Cornell Cooperative Extension – Tompkins County and recently
A Niche Meat Processor Assistance Network webinar in collaboration with Animal Welfare Approved. Please Note: This webinar is no longer available in video form; however,
A Niche Meat Processor Assistance Network webinar Date: November 18, 2015 Duration: one hour Overview: The Finger Lakes Meat Project is a regional initiative in New York State
Overview Please Note: This webinar is no longer available in video form, however, the presentation materials remain active. Small and mid-sized meat processors are
Employee Management at T&E Meats: We frequently hear from small-scale meat processors that finding, training and keeping good help can be a struggle. Joe Cloud,
A Niche Meat Processor Assistance Network webinar Date: February 25, 2016 Duration: one hour Overview: Small-scale poultry producers are well aware that finding USDA-inspected processing is
Introduction Feasibility studies have become a standard way to assess whether a new processing facility is a good idea: does it meet an actual