A Niche Meat Processor Assistance Network webinar.
Date: May 30, 2023
Duration: 90 minutes
As we all know, small and mid-sized meat processors are running out of options for solid waste management. Landfills are now charging exorbitant rates, if they’ll take processing waste at all. Many states do not allow composting, and rendering companies have all but disappeared.
Please join NMPAN and special guests Ecodrum and Assured Renewables to discuss innovative solid waste management for small meat processors!
The current USDA MCAP grants, open until July 19th, are perfectly suited to help small plants address waste solutions, so be sure to join us on May 30th at 9:00 am PST / 12:00 pm EST
- Beau Sheets and Alistair Haughton of Assured Renewables
- The Assured team focusses on eliminating stale thinking…why use outdated lagoons and landfills when there’s better, less costly waste management technologies that are easier to manage? We remove obstacles, and create the right mix of solutions to match needs, avoiding huge engineering, equipment and operating costs. Why truck organic waste, when biodigesters work onsite?
- Matthew Epp of Ecodrum
- Ecodrum™ Composters provide cost-effective, simple, and safe on-site inedibles disposal. Ecodrum™ experience has built trusted formulas for composting sizing. Whether you want to compost the entire waste stream or simply animal hides, Ecodrum™ understands.
Watch the replay on our Youtube channel here.