Business and Marketing Models for Small Scale Meat Processing and Slaughterhouse Facilities
April 2011. Prepared by Keith DeHaan, Food and Livestock Planning, and funded by USDA Rural Development, for the South Coast Meat Project.
This analysis has five sections, divided into two documents.
Download the first one here. Download the second one here.
DOCUMENT 1 (parts I, II, III)
25 pages, 484 KB pdf
Table of Contents
I. A Compilation, Review and Analysis of Mobile and Fixed Facility Slaughter Houses and Meat Processing Feasibility Studies
- Introduction
- Background Information on Meat Inspection
- USDA Inspected Fixed Meat Plants in Oregon
- Key Challenges for Small Plants
- Failed New Plant Launches or Start-ups
- Mobile Harvest Units
- Producer Marketing Groups with Processing Partnerships
II. Assessment of Local Food System Needs and Challenges
- Introduction
- Production, Handling, and Transportation of Meat
- Meat Distribution in Oregon
- Consumer Behavior with Local Foods
- Local Meat Offering Venues
- Local Meat Value
III. Market Assessment of the Region
- Interview Strategy
- Interview Results with Food Service Distributors
- Interview Results with Restaurants in Coos and Curry County
- Interview Results with Retail Grocers in Coos and Curry County
- Summary of Interviews
Tables and Figures
- Processing information on Oregon’s 10 USDA Inspected Meat plants
- Key challenges for custom processors and their customers
- MHU capital and startup cost example
- Typical production and market channel for beef
DOCUMENT 2 (parts IV and V)
13 pages, 202 KB pdf
Table of Contents
Preface: Description of Business Development Approach
IV. Workforce Opportunities and Issues
- Introduction
- Number of Jobs
- Available Skilled Workforce and Training
- Salary Study
V. A Proposed Marketing System
- Introduction
- Target Markets
- Products to be Marketed
- Features/Benefits to Products
- Marketing Concept Names & Branding
- Promotion and Marketing Budgets
- Distribution and Storage of Products
Tables and Figures
- Jobs prediction
- Number of employed/unemployed in the counties
- Example of first year market budget
- Estimated cold storage and freight expense