These three short videos show how a USDA-inspected mobile slaughter unit works.
Although USDA-FSIS requirements are the same nationwide, some states and localities differ in their regulations, for example, about waste water and offal disposal. Please consult directly with your local authorities.
Part I: The Set-Up – the Mobile Unit and the Farm Site
(3:57) This video shows and describes the unit, both inside and out, shows the farm site, and discusses site requirements.
Part II: Stunning, Bleeding, and Moving the Carcass into the Unit
(1:07) This video shows initial carcass preparation, from stunning to bleed out and transferring the carcass into the unit.
Part III: From Carcass to Cooler to Cut and Wrap
(3:35) This video shows how the MSU butchers prepare and clean the carcass, from skinning to final trimming, how the finished carcasses are stored in the MSU cooler, and the transfer of carcasses from the MSU to the fixed-location fabrication (“cut and wrap”) facility.