A Niche Meat Processor Assistance Network webinar
Date: April 23, 2015 (note: new date)
Time: 10 am PST / 1pm EST for one hour
To attend: Go to https://connect.extension.iastate.edu/nichemeat 5-10 minutes before start time and log in as a guest.
All NMPAN webinars are free and open to the public.
Many small-scale inspected facilities, retail butcher shops and restaurants would like to make dry-cured and fermented products in house. This can be difficult to do from three perspectives: 1) to produce a quality product, 2) to produce a safe product, and 3) to meet the regulatory requirements.
In this webinar, we will describe the challenges that most facilities face in starting a dry-cured product line and how they might be overcome. We’ll also share a new and novel resource for dry-cured HACCP: Underground Meats’ open-sourced HACCP.
Please note, some basic knowledge of HACCP will be useful for this webinar. New to HACCP? Watch our archived “HACCP in an Hour” webinar here and read our HACCP page here.
Speakers: Underground Meats and USDA’s Food Safety Inspection Service.
How to join NMPAN: go to the Niche Meat Processor Assistance Network website, type your email address into the box on the right, and click “subscribe.”