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  A Niche Meat Processor Assistance Network webinar Date: March 30, 2016 Duration: one hour Overview: Managing, treating and removing solid waste and wastewater often comes at a significant cost for small-scale meat processing facilities. For those new to meat processing, or those looking for new ideas for their plant, this webinar provided a general overview on waste management […]

The following studies and reports, listed in order of publication date, look at different challenges related to meat processing in Oregon. Oregon Lamb Processing Feasibility Study Author: NEWCO Northwest, on behalf of the Oregon Sheep Growers Association Date: August 2003 Link to full report Solving the Local Meat Conundrum: Meat Production and Processing in Oregon […]

Adapted from Volume 3, Number 11 of Small Plant News As a small plant operator, you probably already know that FSIS issues directives to provide official communications and instruction to Agency personnel in carrying out their functions. These directives are usually issued for an indefinite duration and are identified by a series number and title. […]

Five Financial Assistance Programs that Work Many financial assistance programs at the state and federal levels will not work for small meat processors. If we had a dollar for every program out there that we were told could help small meat processors, well… we could buy a lot of bratwurst. While assistance programs do change […]

With the expansion of uncured, nitrite/nitrate-free products in the marketplace, there has been some confusion around the regulatory requirements. Uncured (or “nitrite/nitrate-free”) products require the same safe handling instructions* as cured products since they are both raw products. In addition, if you are producing an uncured product that uses a vegetable powder as it’s nitrite source, you will […]

  Producer-Processor Communication Local meat and poultry can’t get to market without a processor, but processors are pulled in many directions: producers would like more processing options, the kind of processing needed depends on the market, the regulations are complex, and even with premium-priced meats, the profit margins are slim. The producer-processor relationship is a […]

If you are a meat processor, and you believe your inspector has given you an “NR” or noncompliance record that is unwarranted or an error, you have the right to appeal the inspector’s decision. Many processors are hesitant to appeal, for fear of damaging their relationship with their FSIS inspector . However, FSIS emphasizes that […]

  Interstate Shipment of State Inspected Meat and Poultry In April 2011, USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) announced the final rule for the new Interstate Shipment of State Inspected Meat and Poultry program. The program, established in the 2008 Farm Bill, allows state-inspected processors to ship their products across state lines, if (a) […]

What’s Going On With Validation? UPDATE: USDA hearings on validation In June 2010, USDA held two public meetings on the HACCP Draft Validation Guidance (transcripts can be found on the FSIS Validation webpage. The hearings followed the release of a Validation Fact Sheet. The fact sheet and hearings indicated that public concern about this issue […]

Here we offer references to the regulatory requirements around humane handling in connection with slaughter and describe one mobile unit’s experience with a humane slaughter audit. Regulatory Requirements and Guidance For a USDA-inspected slaughter facility, mobile or fixed, the requirements for humane handling in connection with slaughter are spelled out in the Humane Methods of […]

According to the USDA, an animal is considered kosher if it is a ruminant (“chews the cud”) and has split or cloven hooves. For red meat, this means only the flesh of deer, antelope, goats, sheep and bovines can be kosher. Chicken, turkey, duck and goose (i.e. not birds of prey) can also be kosher. […]

  Livestock Producers Cooperative Association, Odessa, Washington The Livestock Producers Cooperative Association (LPCA) is a multi-species meat processing plant in Odessa, Washington, located near the center of the state. It was formed primarily by cattle producers involved in the Cattle Producers of Washington (CPoW) but will process sheep, goats, pigs, and bison as well. They […]

  Are You Still Doing Business On A Handshake? Get it in Writing to Save Time and Money By Steven A. Kronenberg An excerpt of this article appeared in the September 2011 NMPAN Newsletter. Steven Kronenberg, an attorney focusing on the food processing, grocery, and restaurant sectors, volunteered to write this for NMPAN in hopes […]

What’s on this page? The right equipment can make a world of difference in a small meat processing facility. On this page we have videos of several processors sharing their favorite pieces of equipment and processor-to-processor advice about equipment. What do other processors buy? Any suggestions on what to get? Equipment Videos Processor-to-Processor Equipment Advice Equipment […]

  Link to Recording and Presentations This Niche Meat Processor Assistance Network webinar, “The Business of Meat Processing: Planning and Profitability,” took place on June 2, 2011. You can find the webinar recording, presentation slides, and links to the discussed publications on this page of the NMPAN webinar archive. Webinar Overview Planning to expand, change, […]

Last updated December 2008. All codes are subject to change. Contact your state worker’s compensation bureau for the most up to date information. Standard NCCI Code Exceptions Please note that these classification codes can be used if, and only if an employee is soley engaged in one of the below activities. For example, employees that […]

  On October 2, 2015, this content was automatically unpublished and marked as inactive. Please feel free to rework this page, along with properly indicating the copyright for all included images and republish it as appropriate. Do not hesitate to Contact our Community Support staff with any questions you may have. Humane treatment of farm […]

<< Back ​​ What’s on this page? Meat processing rules and regulations are complex but not impossible to understand. In the words of one of our favorite processors, Will Harris of White Oak Pastures, “you gotta keep the meat cool, clean and covered.” Maintaining proper temperatures, good sanitation, and protection from foreign elements (indoors and […]

<< Back What’s on this page? HACCP stands for “Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Point.” A hazard analysis is the process used to determine the food safety hazards reasonably likely to occur in the production process. This also identifies the preventive measures, or “critical control points,” that the establishment can use to control those hazards. […]

  Food Defense Plans: the Basics What is a Food Defense Plan? According to USDA’s Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS), food defense “focuses on protecting the food supply from intentional contamination, with a variety of chemicals, biological agents, or other harmful substances by people who want to do us harm.” A food defense plan […]

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