The following is the technical classification for worker’s compensation classification codes as written by the National Council on Compensation Insurance (NCCI).
Last updated December 2008. All codes are subject to change. Contact your state worker’s compensation bureau for the most up to date information.
Codes 2095 and 2089—Packing House shall not be assigned to the same risk unless the operations described by these classifications are conducted as separate and distinct businesses. No butchering or handling of livestock.
SCOPE Code 2095 is applicable to insureds who prepare meat products but do not handle or slaughter livestock. The term “prepare” refers to processes that alter the state of the meat received by cooking and/or adding substances to the meat to create a meat product that differs from the meat as it was received in its original state. Processes include baking, boiling, broiling, smoking, pickling, breading or soaking in brine.
An operation that either cuts meat received from others into smaller portions or presses meat into logs for slicing purposes has not created a different meat product for purposes of this classification.
CROSS-REF. Fish Curing—applies to shore or dock work only (N/A AK, MA); Sausage or Sausage Casing Mfg—this cross-reference has the same footnote as Meat Products Mfg. NOC.
State Variations
State Special: California—Meat Products Mfg.—NOC—including canning. Can manufacturing shall be separately classified;
Maine—Fish Curing—applies to shore or dock work only. Code 2095, Code 8024—Seafood Dealer—Wholesale, and Code 2089—Packing House shall not be assigned to the same risk unless the operations described by these classifications are conducted as separate and distinct businesses. No butchering or handling of livestock;
Massachusetts—Dehydrating Meats;
Massachusetts—Sausage Casing Mfg.: Wholesale—Including Cleaning;
New Jersey—Meat Products Mfg. NOC—NPD with Code 2089—Packing House. No butchering or handling of livestock;
New Jersey—Sausage or Sausage Casing Mfg—NPD with Code 2089—Packing House. No butchering or handling of livestock.