small meat processors

Plant in a Box: A Solution for USDA-Inspected Poultry Processing?

  A Niche Meat Processor Assistance Network webinar Date: February 25, 2016 Duration: one hour Overview:  Small-scale poultry producers are well aware that finding USDA-inspected processing is a big challenge.  Very few inspected poultry plants do fee-for-service processing, far fewer than for red meat, largely because it is hard to be profitable.  David Schafer, owner and founder […]

Plant in a Box: A Solution for USDA-Inspected Poultry Processing? Read More »

Testing The Idea: Using Existing Research to Assess Meat Processing Options

  Introduction Feasibility studies have become a standard way to assess whether a new processing facility is a good idea: does it meet an actual need? Will it have enough business to survive and thrive? Feasibility studies can also be very expensive in both money and time, not to mention all the time spent writing

Testing The Idea: Using Existing Research to Assess Meat Processing Options Read More »

Sausage Formulation Spreadsheet

Processors who make small batches of sausage for independent meat producers often use commercial, pre-blended mixes. Mixing a producer’s own specialty sausage recipe is time consuming and can be a logistical headache: processors must keep unique ingredients separated and communicate numerous different recipes to staff with individual batch calculations, increasing the chance of error. Custom

Sausage Formulation Spreadsheet Read More »

NC Choices Technical Assistance Project Training Manual

In 2013-2014, NC Choices and the Niche Meat Processor Assistance Network collaborated on a project to provide direct technical assistance on a range of topics to a group of small-scale meat processors across North Carolina. The goal of the project, “Supporting Sustainable Rural Economic Development through Advancement of North Carolina’s Niche Meat Industry,” was to improve the

NC Choices Technical Assistance Project Training Manual Read More »

Plant Management Strategies to Reduce Fall Season Stress

Overview Date: Sept.9, 2014  Please Note: This webinar is no longer available in video form, however, the presentation materials remain active. Small Plant Operators: do you dread the busy fall season? It can be the most lucrative time of year for small meat processing facilities but is also often the most stressful. Your plant is at

Plant Management Strategies to Reduce Fall Season Stress Read More »

Building the Capacity of Small Meat Processors: Successes and Lessons from North Carolina

  A Niche Meat Processor Assistance Network webinar. Date: January 7, 2015 Duration: one hour Local meat and poultry markets rely on small processors with a range of skills and services.  NC Choices, an initiative of the Center for Environmental Farming Systems at North Carolina State University, spent two years working with a set of small processors

Building the Capacity of Small Meat Processors: Successes and Lessons from North Carolina Read More »

Mobile Slaughter Units (MSUs): An International Perspective

  A Niche Meat Processor Assistance Network webinar. Date: February 18, 2015 Duration: one hour Overview: The first USDA-inspected mobile slaughter unit (MSU) for red meat species began operating in 2002. Since then, MSUs have not only evolved in size and design but have also gone international: Europe, South America, Papua New Guinea, and soon

Mobile Slaughter Units (MSUs): An International Perspective Read More »

Open-Sourced HACCP: Making Cured Meats Production More Accessible

  A Niche Meat Processor Assistance Network webinar                Date: April 23, 2015 (note: new date) Time: 10 am PST / 1pm EST for one hour To attend: Go to 5-10 minutes before start time and log in as a guest. All NMPAN webinars are free and open to the public. Overview: Many small-scale

Open-Sourced HACCP: Making Cured Meats Production More Accessible Read More »

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