small meat processors

Finding Capital: Financing Options for Meat Processors

What’s on this page?  Upgrading or expanding an existing meat processing plant, building a new facility, buying equipment… it all costs money, and plenty of it.  The information on this page will help you understand and navigate financing options that fit your processing plans.   Q: What are my financing options? Which one is best […]

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Mobile Slaughter Units: Reports from the Field and Future Directions

  Mobile Slaughter Units: Reports from the Field and Future Directions A Niche Meat Processor Assistance Network webinar Date: September 10, 2013 Duration: 90 minutes Overview Inspected mobile slaughter units for beef, bison, and other red meat species have been operating for more than a decade. How are they working out? What have we learned? And how

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Mobile Poultry Processing Units: Reports from the Field

  A Niche Meat Processor Assistance Network webinar Learn more about NMPAN: Webinar Description Mobile poultry processing units (MPPUs) have been around for more than ten years. On this webinar, we learned about five MPPUs on the ground around the country: Kentucky, Montana, Vermont, and two in Massachusetts. Each of our speakers covered the

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Wastewater Treatment for Meat Processors

Last Updated: September 9, 2015 This page was created by the Niche Meat Processor Assistance Network: One of the most daunting questions for any new meat processing facility is, “how will we deal with our wastewater?”  Depending on the requirements of your state, county, and/or local authorities, wastewater can be treated in various ways.  We cover

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Innovations in Wastewater Management for Small Meat Processors

Innovations in Wastewater Management for Small Meat Processors A Niche Meat Processor Assistance Network webinar Date: July 23, 2013 Duration: 50 minutes Overview Finding an affordable and legal way to manage wastewater can be very challenging for small meat and poultry processors. On this webinar, you will learn about an innovative, economic approach that a small, USDA-inspected

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